What is CARE?

The Campus Assessment and Response Education (CARE) Team began as the UNM Faculty Intervention Team in August 2007 and focuses on student behavior and assisting faculty and staff respond when students are in distress or behaving disruptively. CARE takes action when students exihibit concerning and potentially dangerous behavior. Mitigating risk at UNM is the goal of CARE.

Who We Are

The Campus Assessment Response Education Team is a group of key campus personnel including Student Affairs professionals and other experts brought in as needed. CARE members include representatives from:

University faculty and staff are sometimes faced with student behavior that is troublesome to them in their role of maintaining an effective learning environment. Various student services exist to support faculty and staff with these situations. The campus resources listed on this website are available for consultation or student referral. 

What We Do

CARE assists the UNM Community in managing behavior that causes concerns for faculty, staff and students at the University of New Mexico.  The committee is also a valuable resource in giving guidance on how a faculty or staff member may work with students that are exhibiting behavior that is not conducive to the learning environment at the University of New Mexico.

It may be helpful to talk over your concerns if you’re not sure about the action you want to take. Student Health and Counseling, the Dean of Students Office, and supervisors or Department Chairs are available to assist you. Frequently, just talking with another professional will clarify issues and help you in your problem solving.